Finch Therapy is new therapy for the treatment of your musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. It is a non-manipulative, non-invasive soft tissue therapy. Finch therapy involves very small activations of specific muscles to return your body to its most neutral anatomical position. Finch therapy may be used to treat your chronic aches and pains as a stand alone treatment or combined with massage or Bowen therapy.
Musculoskeletal pain is pain that can affect your muscles, tendons, bones and ligaments. This pain can occur as a result of your improper postural alignment causing postural strain and abnormal stress on your joints. Pain can also be caused by trauma/accidents, and damage from wear and tear of daily activities.
Dysfunction in one part of your body can have an effect on many others regions of the body. And the cause of your pain may be located some distance from where the symptoms appear. It is well known that your muscles move your spine (and other joints). If there are muscular imbalances in your body, this leads to improper movement patterns producing pain, dysfunction and misalignment of your spine. This can be decreased quickly by returning your body to its most neutral anatomical position, and decreasing abnormal loading on your spine.
The pelvis forms an integral part of your body. It is central to the lower and upper portion of your body. If there is abnormal positioning on your pelvis, either in the form of a lateral pelvic tilt, rotation etc, this creates an increased loading/strain on other parts of your body. In addition to pain, spinal misalignment or inflamed joints of your spine can interfere with nerve signals and distort the communication process between your brain and your body. This may produce unhealthy changes to the affected organs and tissues.
There are three steps to achieve long term results for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. The secret lies in very specific assessment protocols married with the appropriate treatment regime and the re-education of muscles to prevent the return of your symptoms.
Finch therapy may be useful for most of your musculoskeletal complaints listed below are some things that have been treated:
Back and neck pain
Knee/hip/ankle pain
Planter Fascitis
Osgood-schlatter disease
Servers Disease
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Finch Therapy is new therapy for the treatment of your musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. It is a non-manipulative, non-invasive soft tissue therapy. Finch therapy involves very small activations of specific muscles to return your body to its most neutral anatomical position. Finch therapy may be used to treat your chronic aches and pains as a stand alone treatment or combined with massage or Bowen therapy.
Musculoskeletal pain is pain that can affect your muscles, tendons, bones and ligaments. This pain can occur as a result of your improper postural alignment causing postural strain and abnormal stress on your joints. Pain can also be caused by trauma/accidents, and damage from wear and tear of daily activities.
Dysfunction in one part of your body can have an effect on many others regions of the body. And the cause of your pain may be located some distance from where the symptoms appear. It is well known that your muscles move your spine (and other joints). If there are muscular imbalances in your body, this leads to improper movement patterns producing pain, dysfunction and misalignment of your spine. This can be decreased quickly by returning your body to its most neutral anatomical position, and decreasing abnormal loading on your spine.
The pelvis forms an integral part of your body. It is central to the lower and upper portion of your body. If there is abnormal positioning on your pelvis, either in the form of a lateral pelvic tilt, rotation etc, this creates an increased loading/strain on other parts of your body. In addition to pain, spinal misalignment or inflamed joints of your spine can interfere with nerve signals and distort the communication process between your brain and your body. This may produce unhealthy changes to the affected organs and tissues.
There are three steps to achieve long term results for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. The secret lies in very specific assessment protocols married with the appropriate treatment regime and the re-education of muscles to prevent the return of your symptoms.
Finch therapy may be useful for most of your musculoskeletal complaints listed below are some things that have been treated:
Back and neck pain
Knee/hip/ankle pain
Planter Fascitis
Osgood-schlatter disease
Servers Disease
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome